(A) Representative fluorescent microscope images of BrdU+ CM located in the infarct/border zone area 1 week following myocardial infarction, presented in low (10×), medium (40×) and high (63×) magnification power. White arrowheads, shown in 63× magnification, indicate BrdU+ CM. (B) Quantification of BrdU incorporation in CM at 1 week post-MI in Sham (n=3), Vehicle (n=5) and r-Wnt3a (n=4) injected hearts. (C) Cell size distribution frequency of BrdU+ CM in the infarct/border zone area of Vehicle (n=3) and r-Wnt3a injected (n=4) animals. Data are mean ± s.e.m. * P≤0.05 all samples to Sham, # P≤0.05 r-Wnt3a to Vehicle.