Table 3.
Changes of quality of life over time by treatment group (GPi vs STN)
Abbreviations: DBS = deep brain stimulation; GPi = globus pallidus interna; STN = subthalamic nucleus.
p Values were obtained from mixed-effects models with surgical target site, time, and their interactions as covariates. Time was treated as categorical variable. Orthogonal polynomial analyses were performed to test the time trend main effect and its interaction with surgical target site.
Pairwise comparisons between different time points were performed only for overall DBS subjects due to significant change of slope over time. For GPi vs STN, if there existed significant difference, pairwise comparisons between different time points were explored and reported in the text content.
A higher score indicates worse functioning.
Baseline comparisons: 1p= 0.01; 2p= 0.04; 3p= 0.03; 4p= 0.001.