Experimental tracks of the worm in lattices with scaled spacings. The radius of the pillars is 175 µm. The scale bar in each panel is 4 mm and each lattice is 2 ×2 cm in size. The time duration for each track is also shown. In each panel, the unfilled square represents the starting point and the unfilled circle represents the end point of the path. At low values of q/L, the worm moves consistently along lattice diagonals, but becomes localized to small neighbourhoods after colliding with an obstacle. At intermediate values, along with high velocity diagonal tracks, loop-like trajectories are more common. At large values, we observe motion that is predominantly long straight-line segments, either in horizontal or vertical direction (g,h) or along the diagonals (i). (a–c) q/L = 0.37, (d–f) q/L = 0.47 and (g–i) q/L = 0.55. (Online version in colour.)