Strains carrying mutations in the Ndc80 kinetochore complex are rescued by growth on nonglucose carbon sources. Cell dilution assays were performed on the following media: 2% glucose, no added carbon source (YEP), 2% glycerol, 1% acetate, and 3% ethanol. (A) spc24-9, spc24-10 and isogenic wild-type strain (S288C background); (B) Ndc80 complex mutants nuf2-61, ndc80-1, spc25-1 and isogenic wild-type strain (W303 background); (C) spc24-8, mad2Δ, spc24-8 mad2Δ and isogenic wild-type strain (S288C); and (D) ndc10-1, ipl1-321 and isogenic wild-type strain (S288C). Plates were incubated at the indicated temperatures for 3 days. Different temperatures are shown depending on the restrictive temperature of each Ts allele.