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. 2012 Mar 8;15(2):109–184. doi: 10.1080/10937404.2012.645142


Pharmacologic challenge in the MOUSE (oral peanut oil)

Author Test Age and Route of Exposure Age Testing Sample Size Per Dose Level of Challenge Drug (Yes/No litter is unit) Challenge Drug Measure Effect of Challenge Drug on Controls Effect of CPF on the Effect of Challenge Drug
Magnitude of CPF Dose 6 mg/kg-day
Venerosi et al., 2010 Forced Swimming Test
Videotaped and blind
Not balanced
GD 15–18
Oral Peanut Oil
adulthood 12M+6F from unstated number of litters
Litter included as factor in analysis
Fluvoxamine (5 HT uptake inhibitor)

30 mg/kg i.p.
Swimming frequency M↑ F0 M↓ (Attenuate)
Swimming duration M↑ F↑ M↓ F↓ (Attenuate)
Struggling frequency M↑ F0 M↓ (Attenuate)
Struggling duration M↑ F0 M↓ (Attenuate)
Floating duration M↓ F(↓) p=0.07 M and F Attenuate
Venerosi et al., 2010 Maternal AggressionMale mouse placed in home cage with the dam and her empty nest
Videotaped and blind
frequency(f), duration (d), and latency (l) measured for each parameter
GD 15–18
Oral Peanut Oil
Females only, 8 days after delivery of pups 5–7 F from unstated number of litters
Litter included as factor in analysis
Fluvoxamine (5HT uptake inhibitor)

30 mg/kg i.p.
Fighting behavior – attack (3 different cage areas)
F↓ f and d for 2–3 cage areas F attenuate duration of in-nest attack
Note: CPF also ↓ baseline levels
Social behavior –social sniffing (3 subtypes)
F↑ duration inactivity in-nest F attenuate duration inactivity in-nest
Non-social behavior(3 subtypes)
F0 No effect of fluvoxamine, but CPF increased basal levels in 1 of 3 subtypes