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. 2012 Mar 8;15(2):109–184. doi: 10.1080/10937404.2012.645142


Spontaneous alternation in the RAT (s.c. DMSO)

Magnitude of Dose Tested, mg/kg-day
Author Test Age and route of Exposure Age Testing Sample Size per Dose Level (Yes/No Litter is Unit) Measure 1 5
Icenogle et al., 2004 Spontaneous
Not blind
GD 9–12
s.c. DMSO
Wk 4–8 10 M +10 F; 10 litters Spontaneous alternation 0 0
Litter is not unit
Litter of origin is not known due to randomization of pups to dams at birth
Latency ↓ Trial 1 of 5 (3 sec) ↓ Trial 1 of 5 (5 sec)
Levin et al., 2002 Spontaneous
Not blind
GD 17–20
s.c. DMSO
Wk 4–6 10 M + 10 F; 10 litters Spontaneous alternation 0 0
Litter is not unit
Litter of origin is not known due to randomization of pups to dams at birth
Latency ↓ Trial 1 of 5 ↓ Trial 1 and 2 of 5
Levin et al., 2001 Spontaneous
Not blind
PND1–4and PND 11–14
s.c. DMSO
Wk 8–13 10 M + 10 F; “on average there was 1 rat/sex/litter” Spontaneous alternation 0 (PND 1–4) 0 (PND 11–14)
analysis for both periods pooled together because no dose × period interaction Litter is not unit for initial pooled analysis combining M & F Latency
Data pooled together in different ways
1 and 5 mg/kg-day
↓ 3 sec / trial (average) both sexes
↓ latency during 3rd session in males (1 mg/kg-day PND 1–4 data pooled together with 5 mg/kg-day PND 11–14, males and females pooled together and also analyzed for each sex separately