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. 2012 Jun 15;3(6):38. doi: 10.1258/shorts.2012.011150

Table 1.

Summary of excluded studies

Ref Author Year Title Study design Location Study design Population size Age range Male % RRT Quality
21 Al-Mohaya 1990 Arteriovenous fistula for haemodialysis a report of 112 consecutive cases Cross- sectional KSA/East-Al-Khobar Cross- sectional 112 13–75 59.8 HD/RT 2
19 Mitwalli 1991 Tuberculosis in patients on maintenance dialysis Cross- sectional KSA/Centre-Riyadh Cross- sectional 25 34–40 26 3
22 Yahya 1998 Analysis of 490 kidney biopsies data from the United Arab emirates renal disease registry Cross- sectional UAE/Abodabhi Cross- sectional 490 14–66 NR 3
20 Al-Shohaib 1999 Tuberculosis in active dialysis patients in Jeddah Cross- sectional KSA/West-Jeddah Cross- sectional 210 NR NR 2
56 Rafi 2007 Monitoring iron status in end-stage renal disease patients on haemodialysis Cross- sectional KSA/East-Damam Cross- sectional 24 29–65 79 1
57 Al-Jahdali 2009 Advanced care planning preferences among dialysis patients and factors influencing their decisions Cross- sectional KSA/Centre-Riyadh Cross- sectional 100 36–66 53 2