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. 2012 Jun 29;7(6):e39957. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0039957

Table 1. Basic Characteristics of study subjects weighted unadjusted Odds Ratio, Kersa, 2010.

Characteristics Totaln = 956 <2500g% 2500+g% Crude OR CI p  = value
Age <20 Years 66 30.3 69.7 1.0
20–29 Years 422 26.3 73.7 0.8 0.47 1.47 0.526
30–39 Years 442 29.9 70.1 1.0 0.57 1.76 0.997
40+ Years 26 30.8 69.2 1.0 0.37 2.65 0.975
Educational level Literate 144 25.0 75.0 1.0
Illiterate 812 28.9 71.1 1.2 0.80 1.82 0.359
Residence Rural town 88 13.6 86.4 1.0
Rural 868 29.8 70.2 2.7 1.46 5.12 0.002
Wealth status Better off 309 21.4 78.6 1.0
Middle 329 26.8 73.3 1.3 0.93 1.92 0.123
Poor 318 36.8 63.2 2.1 1.46 2.98 0.000
Parity First time 111 31.5 68.5 1.0
1–4 birth 559 27.1 72.9 0.8 0.52 1.26 0.342
5–6 birth 164 26.8 73.2 0.8 0.47 1.35 0.390
7+ birth 122 33.6 66.4 1.1 0.62 1.88 0.786
MUAC 23+ cm 504 24.6 75.4 1.0
<23 cm 452 32.6 67.4 1.5 1.14 2.01 0.004
Fertility desire Intended 676 29.6 70.4 1.0
Unintended 280 25.4 74.6 0.8 0.58 1.10 0.171
Antenatal care Attended 1+ 281 20.6 79.4 1.0
Not attended 675 31.6 68.4 1.8 1.28 2.49 0.001
Violence during index pregnancy No violence 765 26.9 73.1 1.0
Any physical 148 38.5 61.5 1.8 1.22 2.54 0.003
Sexual only 43 18.6 81.4 0.6 0.28 1.33 0.211
Time to walk to health facility <40 min 274 20.4 79.6 1.0
40–79 min 621 32.5 67.5 1.8 1.30 2.56 0.001
80+ min 61 21.3 78.7 1.0 0.52 2.03 0.949

Odds Ratio/OR is calculated using logistic regression; Low Birth Weight (<2500g) coded as = 1

P values are based on results from logistic regression