Figure 2. Synthetic lethality of sec3 and exo70.
A. sec3Δ, but not sec6Δ or sec8Δ, is viable in presence of 1 M sorbitol. Indicated diploids were sporulated and spores dissected on YE-sorbitol plates. Small colonies were sec3Δ, as they grew in presence of G418, while large colonies were wildtype as they failed to grow (not shown). B. 10-fold serial dilutions of indicated strains, showing sec3Δ grows in presence of 1 M sorbitol, but dies at 36°C. C. DIC images of wildtype and sec3Δ grown in YE-sorbitol at 25°C. Bar is 5 µm. D. 10-fold serial dilutions of indicated strains, showing exo70Δ sec3-2 synthetic lethality. E. Tetrad dissection of sec3Δ::kanMX/sec3+ exo70Δ::natMX/exo70+ diploid. Tetrad 1 shows a parental ditype, tetrads 2 to 4 are tetratypes, from which the double mutant spore is unviable, indicating synthetic lethality of sec3Δ and exo70Δ.