Figure 5. The synaptic depression time constants τON and τOFF strongly influence movement direction coding by bursts and isolated spikes.
A) Directional bias computed from the full spike train as a function of τON and τOFF. B) Directional bias computed from the burst spike train as a function of τON and τOFF. C) Directional bias computed from the isolated spike train as a function of τON and τOFF. D) Opposite direction selectivity index (ODI) as a function of τON and τOFF. E) PSTH values near the maximum values in the left to right (blue arrow) and right to left (red arrow) directions for the full spike (purple), burst (green), and isolated (orange) spike trains for an example data point marked with a star in panel D. F) PSTH values near the maximum values in the left to right (blue arrow) and right to left (red arrow) directions for the full spike (purple), burst (green), and isolated (orange) spike trains for another example data point marked with a star in panel D.