Subject | Sex | Sex age | Experience | Deafness | Implant | Side | Etiology | Electrode pairs | |
S1 | M | 57 | 8 | 32 | CI24R(CS) | R | Progressive | 7/3 | 21/17 |
S2 | M | 37 | 10 | <2 | CI24R(CS) | R | Unknown | 7/2 | 13/ 8 |
S3 | M | 42 | 15 | <2 | CI24R(CS) | R | Unknown | 14/9 | 20/15 |
S4 | M | 62 | 6 | <2 | CI24M | L | Progressive | 9/4 | 15/10 |
S5 | F | 53 | 14 | 6 | CI24R(CS) | R | Unknown | 10/5 | 21/16 |
S6 | M | 61 | 12 | <2 | CI24R(CS) | L | Congenital progressive | 9/4 | 21/16 |
Sex: M male, F female; side of implantation: R right, L left
Age and experience with CI: at the time of testing (in years); deafness: duration of profound deafness before implantation (in years); implant: cochlear nucleus implant type; electrode pairs: active and reference stimulation electrodes