In situ NMR spectroscopic measurement of hUGDH catalyzed oxidation of UDP-Glc to UDP-GlcUA. The data are presented as stack plot of seven selected spectra in regular intervals of 2 h. Indicative signals of NADH, UDP-Glc, and UDP-Glc-UA are marked and assigned according to literature.24 Signals of impurities (TRIS from enzyme preparations, ethanol from commercial NAD+) are indicated with asterisks. No signals indicating presence of UDP-gluco-hexodialdose could be detected. Panels A and B show the reaction of wild-type hUGDH and E161Q, respectively. The spectral region from 3.89 ppm to 3.52 ppm is not shown in panel B due to presence of larger signals from impurities (glycerol). In panel A, the area of the spectrum showing the 1H NMR signal of proton H-4 in UDP-GlcUA is also presented enlarged in a box.