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. 2012 Apr 25;97(7):2223–2230. doi: 10.1210/jc.2011-3355

Table 2.

Summary of clinical course in patients with ACTH-producing thymic NET

Case no. Age (yr) Sex Maximal tumor size (cm) No. of thymic tumors Resected lymph nodes Masaoka clinical stage T N M Histological grade Adjuvant therapy Recurrence of CS (months) Subsequent metastases Further therapy Alive/dead (months postsurgery)
1 7 F 1 1 0/0 I T1 NX M0 Well-diff Alive (90)
2 13 M 11.5 2 17/17 IVb T3 N3 M0 Mod-diff Persistent Ba BA (em) Dead (22)
3 14 F nk nk nk nk nk nk nk Mod-diff Yes (36) c, a, m LN, Ba S, S, R Dead (90)
4 17 M 6 1 20/20 IVb T3 N1 M0 Mod-diff Alive (23)
5 20 F 2 1 0/1 IVa T3 N0 M0 Well-diff Alive (14)
6 21 M 5 1 1/3 IVb T2 N1 M0 Mod-diff R Yes (24) nk C Dead (72)
7 24 F 2.5 3 3/3 IVb T2 N1 M0 Mod-diff Yes (25) mLN, breast S, R, C, BA Alive (58)
8 27 M 8 1 0/0 III T3 NX M0 Mod-diff C, R(G) Yes (28) L, mLNa, Ba C, BA Dead (56)
9 40 M 5 2 2/12 IVb T2 N1 M0 Mod-diff Yes (nk) mLN S, BA Dead (57)
10 50 M 2 1 0/2 I T1 N0 M0 Well-diff Alive (40)
11 51 M 8 1 1/1 IVb T3 N1 M0 Mod-diff C, R Yes (20) cLN, Ba, La, Par S, S, BA Dead (50)
12 45 M nk nk nk IVb T3 N1 M0 Mod-diff C, R Yes (48)b c, a, m LN, Ba R, S, C Alive (62)

Age indicates age at time of presentation. Sex: M, male, F, female. Resected lymph nodes indicates the number of lymph nodes positive for NET/number of lymph nodes resected. Masaoka clinical staging: stage I, completely encapsulated tumor; stage II, invasion of tumor into the surrounding tissues; stage III, invasion into surrounding organs such as the pericardium or great vessels; stage IVa, pleural or pericardial invasion; and stage IVb, lymphogenous or hematogenous metastases. Yamakawa-Masaoka TNM staging: T, tumor; T1, completely encapsulated; T2, macroscopic invasion to the surrounding tissue or invasion of the capsule; T3, invasion into neighboring organs; N, nodes; NX, not sampled; N1, metastasis to anterior mediastinal lymph nodes; M, metastasis, M0, no hematogenous metastasis; M1, hematogenous metastasis. Histological grade: well-diff, well-differentiated neuroendocrine carcinoma (low grade, conventional carcinoid); mod-diff, moderately differentiated neuroendocrine carcinoma (intermediate grade, atypical carcinoid). Subsequent metastases: m,c,a LN, mediastinal, cervical, axillary lymph nodes; B, bone; L, liver; Par, parotid gland. Adjuvant and further therapy: S, surgery to remove recurrence of metastasis; R, radiation therapy (adjuvant dose, 54–60 cGy); R(G), radiation therapy with gemcitabine as a radiosensitizer; C, chemotherapy; BA, surgical bilateral adrenalectomy; BA (em), bilateral adrenalectomy by embolization; nk, not known.


Inferred from imaging without pathology.


Patient 12 was first diagnosed with CS 48 months after surgery.