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. 2012 Jun 6;32(23):8053–8064. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0383-12.2012

Table 4.

Expectancy-related changes during high intensity stimulation: Instruction effects

Region x y z No. of voxels Volume (mm3) −log(Min. p value)
Expectancy-induced increases (Open > Hidden)
    Right lingual gyrus (BA17) 10 −96 −8 47 376 8.15
    Left inferior occipital gyrus −52 −72 −6 57 456 8.36
    Left inferior frontal gyrus p. triangularis (BA45; DLPFC) −54 18 26 433 3464 10.35
    Left precuneus −4 −60 50 10 80 9.02
    Left middle frontal gyrus (DLPFC) −44 14 58 105 840 10.51
    Left superior frontal gyrus −22 0 58 40 320 9.63
    Right precuneus 10 −52 68 32 256 9.05
Expectancy-induced decreases (Hidden > Open)
    Left parahippocampal gyrus −28 −16 −28 90 720 8.29
    Left fusiform gyrus −34 −48 −16 85 680 10.37
    Left amygdala −18 4 −24 37 296 9.57
    Internal globus pallidus −10 −4 −10 21 168 8.78
    Left caudate nucleus −10 10 −2 25 200 7.73
    Left posterior thalamus −12 −28 10 165 1320 9.99
    Left rolandic operculum (dorsal posterior insula) −38 −18 18 102 816 10.89
    Left precentral gyrus (BA6) −42 −18 58 224 1792 11.14