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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2012 Jul 2.
Published in final edited form as: J Affect Disord. 2008 Oct 22;115(1-2):87–99. doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2008.09.006


Factor loadings derived from a 6-factor solution with promax rotation (bolded items reflecting DSM-IV criteria for a depressive episode, and bolded italicized items reflecting those with a factor loading <0.40 in absolute value).

Suicidality Drug/illness-
related depression
10. persistently sad or empty, blue or down
in the dumps
0.553 0.094 −0.017 −0.012 0.022 −0.191
4. serious, introverted or gloomy 0.538 −0.119 0.048 −0.099 0.087 0.025
13. purposeless, as if everything had lost its
0.512 0.135 0.081 −0.095 −0.067 −0.184
25. lost interest in hobbies or sport 0.509 0.073 −0.012 −0.129 −0.058 0.059
3. lonely 0.494 −0.062 −0.033 0.102 0.097 0.054
12. constantly complaining 0.466 −0.025 −0.317 −0.120 0.228 −0.090
6. deeply annoyed 0.465 −0.065 −0.056 −0.091 0.069 0.094
22. difficulty making new friends 0.455 −0.045 0.058 −0.098 −0.109 0.090
8. lost your capacity to laugh, have fun, enjoy
your life?
0.448 0.030 0.208 −0.132 0.083 −0.275
11. crying very easily 0.438 −0.078 0.071 −0.100 0.079 −0.151
15. nothing you put on looked or felt right 0.431 0.095 −0.150 −0.059 0.047 −0.085
5. bored 0.413 −0.088 0.017 −0.157 0.065 0.090
7. the littlest thing could make you sad? 0.413 0 0.021 −0.016 0.122 0.047
26. indifferent about everything that happened
to you or your family
0.401 0.105 −0.097 −0.074 −0.158 0.079
1. frustrated and defeated 0.393 0.020 −0.030 0.105 0.166 −0.019
27. lost interest or pleasure in all or almost
all the things you usually enjoyed
0.372 0.194 0.135 −0.087 −0.091 0.077
21. lost pleasure in your social life 0.370 0.088 0.096 −0.081 −0.167 0.126
2. nostalgic 0.351 −0.105 0.042 0.083 0.150 −0.061
23. lost interest in your romantic life 0.349 0.039 0.053 −0.138 −0.180 0.120
9. you found it unusually hard to take rejections,
particularly those involving friendships
or romantic relationships?
0.337 −0.055 −0.067 −0.031 0.203 0.068
14. lost interest in how you looked 0.325 0.199 0.113 −0.125 −0.119 −0.211
84. disappointed in yourself 0.206 0.150 0.126 0.077 0.136 0.189
153. appetite decrease 0.198 −0.010 −0.017 0.030 −0.175 0.079
151. craving sweets or carbohydrates 0.178 −0.054 −0.109 −0.030 −0.012 0.076
59, physically “slowed down” −0.096 0.646 −0.191 −0.189 0.082 0.032
58. difficulty starting to do anything 0.088 0.583 −0.214 −0.014 −0.062 0.205
60. speech or thinking seemed slowed down 0.080 0.569 −0.129 −0.056 −0.099 0.134
62. passive, sluggish 0.105 0.563 −0.094 0.097 −0.049 0.110
65. fatigued weak, or tired for the smallest task 0.081 0.499 0.079 −0.049 0.023 0.144
63. trouble getting out of bed in the morning −0.042 0.470 0.066 0.097 −0.146 0.124
61. time as passing very slowly, hanging heavy 0.064 0.469 −0.047 −0.026 0.093 0.098
89. your housework/performance deteriorated 0.021 0.435 0.031 0.062 −0.033 0.133
64, difficulty take to care of yourself 0.119 0.426 0.073 0.008 −0.095 0.111
90. difficulty making even minor decisions 0.123 0.388 −0.140 0.085 0.228 0.135
132. difficult to work in the early morning −0.013 0.387 0.006 0.037 −0.110 0.099
92. mentally dull or confused −0.058 0.335 0.026 −0.159 0.124 0.135
91. trouble thinking or concentrating −0.064 0.308 −0.078 −0.048 0.233 0.137
101. using sleep as an escape 0.079 0.267 0.081 0.072 0.015 0.148
88. problems with your memory −0.015 0.237 −0.024 −0.042 0.092 0.113
66. difficulty to sit still or lie down −0.103 0.217 −0.113 0.006 0.190 0.084
142. need much more sleep −0.065 0.213 0.017 0.043 −0.101 0.113
138. you felt sleepy all the time −0.033 0.210 −0.087 0.072 0.051 0.117
106. suicide attempt −0.002 −0.167 0.684 −0.021 −0.016 0.199
105. specific plan to hurt or kill yourself 0.117 −0.133 0.576 0.032 0.015 0.195
104. want to die or hurt yourself 0.123 −0.104 0.569 −0.025 0.084 0.237
107. suicide attempt requiring medical attention 0.031 −0.086 0.563 −0.107 0.021 0.181
103. wishing not to wake up in the morning 0.010 0.002 0.443 0.030 0.087 0.226
102. life was not worth living 0.198 0.071 0.382 −0.001 −0.022 0.207
155. difficulty becoming sexually aroused −0.008 0.099 −0.148 0.029 −0.098 0.097
19. depressed when stopping any of these substances 0.144 0.020 0.009 −0.680 −0.030 0.113
18. depressed when drinking lots of alcohol or
using substances
0.231 −0.186 0.081 −0.652 −0.176 0.200
20. became depressed as a result of using alcohol,
sleeping pills, anti–anxiety drugs, nicotine, caffeine,
stimulants or similar substances even though you
took them in order to feel better
0.107 −0.013 0.113 −0.606 −0.157 0.161
17. depressed when taking medications 0.164 0.038 −0.285 −0.563 0 0.128
98. heard voices clearly −0.440 0.271 0.197 −0.440 0.152 0.078
16. depressed during physical illnesses 0.178 0.073 −0.233 −0.440 0.051 0.040
140. repeatedly wake up in the middle of the night
and had difficulty falling sleep
−0.264 −0.298 −0.040 −0.306 0.199 0.094
141. repeatedly wake up much earlier −0.193 −0.242 −0.026 −0.266 0.166 0.077
154. less sexually active −0.017 −0.041 0.045 −0.179 −0.120 0.091
152. appetite increased 0.046 0.031 0.061 −0.172 −0.164 0.097
150. no food that appealed 0.011 0.144 0.072 −0.167 −0.131 0.091
95. you felt surrounded by hostility, as if everybody
was against you
0.087 −0.051 0.003 0.088 0.545 0.155
96. everyone was talking about you 0.085 −0.035 −0.054 −0.027 0.507 0.134
94.others were causing all of your problems 0.092 −0.156 −0.002 0.081 0.478 0.096
97. heard voices −0.313 0.081 0.174 −0.368 0.369 0.092
83. very vulnerable 0.067 0.166 0.082 0.111 0.365 0.176
93. you felt guilty or remorseful 0.036 0.026 0.088 0.092 0.321 0.182
85. body transformed 0.080 0.078 0.030 −0.152 0.257 0.088
87. need to take refuge in religion or player? −0.075 −0.070 0.064 −0.063 0.231 0.085
139. repeatedly difficulty falling sleep −0.205 −0.067 −0.136 −0.096 0.226 0.090
82. preoccupied with yourself and your own problems,
thoughts and feelings
−0.013 0.084 0.159 0.201 0.222 0.150
81. hypercritical or skeptical 0.183 −0.030 −0.006 0.111 0.186 0.109
86. very preoccupied with money 0.131 0.051 0.026 −0.117 0.182 0.083
99. gloomy future 0.069 0.138 0.124 0.096 0.114 0.183
100. wishing to run away from your current life 0.152 0.045 0.113 0.105 0.133 0.153