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. 2012 May 30;32(22):7646–7650. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.6193-11.2012

Table 1.

Brain regions in which BOLD response consistently correlated with measures of distal generosity

Region x y z Voxels Cross-study correlations
Study 1: Giving
    Dorsal MPFC/superior frontal gyrus 26 64 24 253 0.32, 0.41
10 58 20
24 50 16
18 62 24
    Subgenual anterior cingulate/orbitofrontal cortex 0 30 −6 298 0.27, 0.32
2 38 −12
0 46 −4
    Parietal cortex −46 −68 48 1041 0.31, 0.03
−14 −86 40
−18 −66 22
−32 −82 44
−6 −64 38
−10 −52 34
−24 −56 10
−12 −48 42
−12 −74 36
−30 −76 36
−6 −66 22
−22 −68 14
Study 2: Giving
    Dorsal MPFC 0 66 22 129 0.40
0 64 32
    Middle frontal gyrus −24 44 12 115 0.43
−34 50 14
    Inferior temporal gyrus −54 −20 −12 122 0.35
−64 −22 −6
    Tail of caudate 24 −34 22 86 0.37
28 −42 18
    Occipital cortex −18 −82 32 360 0.41
−30 −84 18
−16 −84 20
Study 2: Helping
    Dorsal MPFC 2 64 20 106 0.43

Note: Columns display peak voxels (followed by any additional local maxima) of regions obtained from random-effects, whole-brain regression analyses that identify regions in which BOLD response was significantly correlated with measures of generosity in the distal analysis (p < 0.01, corrected). Regions listed are those that produced moderate correlations (r > 0.30) with measures of distal generosity across studies. These cross-study correlations refer to the correlation between average BOLD response over all the voxels of the specified region and generosity measures from the alternate study. Thus, for Study 1, the rightmost column displays the correlation between BOLD response and amount of money (first value) and time (second value) donated to the target in Study 2. Similarly, for Study 2, the rightmost column displays the correlation between BOLD response and amount of money donated in Study 1. Coordinates refer to the stereotaxic space of the Montreal Neurological Institute.