Fig. 2.
(a) Trap efficiency and minimum trapping intensity measured for polystyrene beads of various sizes with beam polarization perpendicular to grating lines. Inset shows trap asymmetry in trapping efficiency for translating a 3.87 um polystyrene bead perpendicular and parallel to the rules of the grating. The solid line (large asymmetry) is obtained with incident light polarized perpendicular to the grating, and the dash line (small asymmetry) is obtained with incident light polarized parallel to the grating. The unit is in (pN[mW/μm2]−1). (b)-(d) Trapping demonstration of a fluorescent 590 nm polystyrene bead. The red circle indicates the position of the laser spot as the laser light was too dim to be seen. At first the particle is trapped within the spot at higher power, as the power is lowered the Brownian motion of the particle overcomes the trapping force, allowing the particle to escape. (e)-(g) Trapping demonstration of a fluorescent ovarian cancer cell nucleus. The minimum intensity required to initiate trapping was 16 μW/μm2 obtained using a 20x objective lens.