Figure 5.
Dasatinib infusion reduced protein phospho-tyrosine and active phospho-Src kinase levels in APP/PS1 brains. Vehicle or dasatinib (500 ng/kg/day) was infused subcutaneously into 13-month-old APP/PS1 for 28 days (n = 7). Hippocampus and temporal cortex regions were dissected from the left hemispheres and resolved by 10% SDS-PAGE and Western blotted. (A) Hippocampal and (B) temporal cortex brain lysates from control (14-month APP/PS1), vehicle infused, and dasatinib infused animals were blotted using anti-phosphotyrosine, pTyr (4G10), pSrc, pLyn, α-tubulin, Src, and Lyn antibodies. Optical densities were averaged and graphed (+/−SEM) from blots of (C) hippocampus (*P <0.05 from controls, ***P <0.001 from vehicle) and (D) temporal cortex. (*P <0.05 from controls).