Figure 4. Validation of differential BCHE expression in tissue and serum.
(a) Normalized log2 expression levels of BCHE by qPCR in representative hepatocytes (left) and by hybridization array in all hepatocytes (right) is shown in NF (solid squares) and PC (open squares) liver tissue. Downregulation of BCHE is shown in hepatocytes in PC compared to NF liver tissue (p<0.05 for both methods, Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon test). (b, c, d & e) Subjects in the ALIVE cohort were selected for having staged liver disease by liver biopsy or transient elastography and available contemporaneous serum samples. SBA was tested (b) and compared to contemporaneous serum albumin (c), APRI (d) and, bilirubin (e) levels. Median values are shown with first and third quantiles in different groups of Ishak fibrosis stage. Adjusted p values shown were calculated using a pairwise Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon test with a BH correction in R.