Figure 4. Defining the Oligomeric Distributions of ScHSP26.
(A) NanoESI-MS demonstrated that ScHSP26 exists as a broad range of oligomers at 25°C (upper), but forms mainly 40 mers (open circles), and 42 mers (shaded circles) at 43°C (lower). Note that a 24-mer is notably abundant at room temperature (black circles).
(B) Collision-induced dissociation of monomers from the native oligomers gives rise to a series of stripped oligomers of reduced charge with sufficient peak resolution to accurately define their size distribution. Overlaid are schematic representations of the different species.
(C) Portion of the doubly-stripped region highlighted in (B) for ScHSP26 at 25°C (upper) and 43°C (lower). From the peaks in this region of the spectra, it was possible to assign charge states to individual oligomers, as well as calculate their relative abundance.
(D) Histograms showing the most abundant oligomers present at 25°C and 43°C after analysis of the stripped oligomer region.