Table 1.
Means, Standard Deviations, and Intercorrelations among Marital Functioning and Depressive Symptom Variables
M (SD) | 1. | 2. | 3. | 4. | 5. | 6. | 7. | 8. | 9. | 10. | 11. | 12. | 13. | 14. | 15. | 16. | |
Covariate | |||||||||||||||||
1. Years living together (at Time 1) | 13.22 (6.02) | -- | |||||||||||||||
Time 1 | |||||||||||||||||
2. Wife Depressive Symptoms: SCL-90-R | .64 (.63) | -.07 | -- | ||||||||||||||
3. Husband Depressive Symptoms: SCL-90-R | .45 (.48) | .02 | .17** | -- | |||||||||||||
4. Wife Marital Satisfaction: MAT | 112.09 (25.31) | .05 | -.41** | -.20** | -- | ||||||||||||
5. Husband Marital Satisfaction: MAT | 109.60 (22.78) | .01 | -.22** | -.34** | .51** | -- | |||||||||||
6. Marital Conflicta | 0.00 (2.29) | .05 | .31** | .32** | -.52** | -.51** | -- | ||||||||||
Time 2 | |||||||||||||||||
7. Wife Depressive Symptoms: SCL-90-R | .60 (.61) | -.03 | .75** | .19** | -.33** | -.18** | .27** | -- | |||||||||
8. Husband Depressive Symptoms: SCL-90-R | .41 (.39) | -.01 | .12† | .62** | -.15* | -.30** | .19** | .25** | -- | ||||||||
9. Wife Marital Satisfaction: MAT | 108.29 (26.59) | .01 | -.34** | -.16* | .76** | .41** | -.49** | -.41** | -.20** | -- | |||||||
10. Husband Marital Satisfaction: MAT | 110.80 (23.50) | .04 | -.19** | -.25** | .43** | .73** | -.43** | -.21** | -.38** | .48** | -- | ||||||
11. Marital Conflicta | 0.00 (2.32) | .11† | .26** | .27** | -.47** | -.43** | .78** | .30** | .31** | -.57** | -.55** | -- | |||||
Time 3 | |||||||||||||||||
12. Wife Depressive Symptoms: SCL-90-R | .57 (.55) | -.12† | .54** | .17* | -.31** | -.15* | .00 | .60** | .10 | -.24** | -.07 | .03 | -- | ||||
13. Husband Depressive Symptoms: SCL-90-R | .38 (.42) | .04 | .05 | .53** | -.10 | -.29** | .16* | .16* | .59** | -.07 | -.21** | .14* | .19** | -- | |||
14. Wife Marital Satisfaction: MAT | 104.61 (29.85) | .10 | -.24** | -.19** | .70** | .43** | -.46** | -.31** | -.08 | .74** | .39** | -.43** | -.38** | -.18** | -- | ||
15. Husband Marital Satisfaction: MAT | 108.38 (24.73) | .02 | -.14* | -.28** | .49** | .72** | .-40** | -.15* | -.32** | .45** | .73** | -.39** | -.21** | -.34** | .54** | -- | |
16. Marital Conflicta | 0.00 (2.25) | .08 | .21** | .23** | -.48** | -.42** | .74** | .24** | .22** | -.52** | -.44** | .79** | .22** | .22** | -.55** | -.50** | -- |
Note. Time 1: N = 296, Time 2: N = 265, Time 3: N = 248. SCL-90-R = Symptom Checklist 90-Revised, MAT= Marital Adjustment Test.
p < .10.
p < .05.
p < .01.
Marital conflict = composite of husband and wife OPS scores and observer rating of conflict.