Figure 6.
The relation between synaptic coincidence factor (κ) and the synaptic to intrinsic conductance ratio (γ) for constant value of standard deviation (A) and amounts of power (B). Values on each curve are combinations of level of intrinsic conductance (γ) and coinciding input (κ) which give same standard deviation or power. (C,D) are the same as (A,B) except the abscissa is the correlation coefficient ρ (assuming average firing of 10 Hz in the presynaptic neurons) instead of the coincidence factor. The broken lines in (A,C) indicate the required coincidence/correlation for 50% synaptic conductance at 3 mV fluctuations. Equations (9), (11), (13), (18), (19), (23), and (24) were used to generate the data in this figure.