Carcinostatic effects of diverse Asc derivatives and hyperthermia on human tongue carcinoma cells (HSC-4) cultured for 24 h after heat treatment and evaluation by WST-8 assay. Cells were seeded and cell viability was measured as indicated in Materials and methods. The absorbance of cells treated for 24 h in the absence of diverse Asc derivative at 37°C was 0.791±0.035 or 0.715±0.027 (the control value), respectively. Data shown represents the means ± SD for quadruplicate measurements as percentages of the control value. **p<0.001 (vs.control). Asc, ascorbic acid; A6-P, 6-O-palmitoyl-Asc; APPS, Asc-2-phosphate-6-O-palmitate sodium salt; APHD, Asc-2-phosphate-6-O-(2'-hexyl)decanoate.