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. 2012 Mar;9(1):11–16. doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1263.2012.00011

Table 2. Details of fistula type, coils used and outcome in patients undergoing CAF closure.

Patient Fistula type Fistula size (mm) No. of coils used Outcome
EN LAD to PA 3 2 Totally occluded
ZAE LAD to PA 4 3 Totally occluded
LAD to PA 2 1 Totally occluded
SAM LAD to PA 4 3 Insignificant flow
TON LAD to PA 3 1 Totally occluded
PUD RCA to PA 3 2 Totally occluded
RCA to RA 2 1 Totally occluded
HW LM to PA 2 1 Totally occluded
LAD to PA 3 2 Insignificant flow
RCA to RA 3 2 Totally occluded
LUH LAD to PA 4 3 Totally occluded
LCX to LA 1 - Cannot be closed due to small CAF
MAD LAD to PA 3 1 Insignificant flow
SYA LAD to PA 4 3 Totally occluded
LCX to LV 6 3 Totally occluded
RCA to RA 3 2 Insignificant flow
RAB LAD to PA 3 2 Insignificant flow
LCX to PA 1 - Cannot be closed due to small CAF
RCA to RA 8 3 Totally occluded

CAF: coronary artery fistula; LAD: left anterior descending; LCX: left circumflex; RCA: right coronary artery; LM: left main; PA: pulmonary artery.