(A–H) Gli36vIII-tdTomato cells were mixed with hNSC-aaTSP-1 or hNSC-GFP-Rluc, implanted into the frontal lobe of nude SCID mice and 4 days later injected with Angiosense-750 intravenously. Intravital fluorescent pictures of a day 4 control hNSC-GFP-Rluc (A–D) and hNSC-aaTSP-1 (E–H) and glioma bearing brains are shown. (I) Graph depicting the intensity of angiosense-750 labeling (vasculature) around aaTSP1 and control tumors. (J–K) hNSC-aaTSP-1 and control hNSC-GFP-Rluc were implanted in the close vicinity of established Gli36-EGFRvIII-FD gliomas. Both aaTSP-1 treated and control mice were imaged for Fluc activity (glioma burden) on day 3, 6, 12 and 16 days post hNSC implantation. Relative Fluc intensities (glioma burden) are plotted (J). Mice bearing control GFP-Rluc hNSC were also imaged for Rluc activity (hNSC presence) on day 4, 7 and 13 days after implantation (K). (L) Survival curves of hNSC-aaTSP-1 and hNSC-GFP-Rluc treated mice (M–N) Representative images of brain sections immunostained for CD31. *In panels I, J and L, p<0.05 vs control. (O) Graph depicting microvessel density in aaTSP-1 and control gliomas. Data are mean ±SD and expressed relative to control.