Figure 8.
NKCC1 inhibition reduces sympathetic vasomotor tone and enhances sympathoinhibitory responses to GABAA receptor activation in the PVN in hypertension. a, b, Representative recordings show the effect of bumetanide (0.1 nmol, 2 μl, i.c.v.) and bilateral microinjection of muscimol (1.0 nmol, 50 nl) into the PVN on the ABP, HR, and LSNA in SHRs. c–e, Changes in the mean ABP (c), LSNA (d), and HR (e) in response to microinjection of muscimol into the PVN after treatment with bumetanide (BUM, n = 11 rats) or vehicle (Veh, n = 9 rats). f, Schematic drawings show the location of muscimol (MUS) microinjection sites in the PVN of SHRs treated with vehicle (○) or bumetanide (●). Ctrl, Control; 3V, third ventricle; AH, anterior hypothalamus. **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, compared with the baseline control in each group. ##p < 0.01, compared with the corresponding value in the vehicle group.