A, B, C.
egl-9(sa307) and egl-9(sa307);hif-1(ia4) animals were fed heat-killed non-pathogenic E. coli for 8 h and gene expression, measured by qRT-PCR, was normalized to parallel wild type controls. Genes were divided into three groups, according to their expression in infected egl-9 animals (see G, H, I): A.
egl-9-repressed genes, B.
egl-9-independent genes, and C.
egl-9-induced genes. D, E, F.
vhl-1(ok161) and vhl-1(ok161);hif-1(ia4) animals were fed heat-killed non-pathogenic E. coli and gene expression was normalized to wild type. Genes were grouped as in A, B, C. G, H, I.
egl-9(sa307) and egl-9(sa307);hif-1(ia4) animals were infected with S. aureus for 8 h and gene expression, measured by qRT-PCR, was normalized to wild type. Genes are divided into three groups: G.
egl-9-repressed genes, H.
egl-9-independent genes, and I.
egl-9-induced genes. J, K, L.
vhl-1(ok161) and vhl-1(ok161);hif-1(ia4) animals were infected and gene expression was normalized to wild type. Genes are grouped as in G, H, I. Data are means of 2–5 independent biological replicates, error bars are SEM. *, p≤0.05 (compared with wild type by two-sample t test).