Figure 1.
Experimental design. Mice were housed with or without running wheels for 30 days. The first 10 days the mice received daily injections of 50 mg/kg BrdU to label dividing cells. Behavioral tasks began during the final 12 days, days 31–42. All mice were housed in cages without access to running wheels on days 31–42 and throughout behavioral testing, except the Run/Sed and Run/Run groups (see below). Mice in the caged control group were continuously housed in custom cages (for video tracking) on days 31–42. The novel group received a single 2h exposure to the custom cages on day 42. The water maze group received 3 days (2 trials/day for 2 days, 3 trials on the 3rd day) of hidden platform water maze training. The yoked swim group received exposure to the water maze without a platform and served as a swim control for the water maze group. The run groups (Run/Sed and Run/Run) were continuously housed in cages with access to running wheels on days 37–42. All mice were euthanized on day 42, two hours following behavioral testing to measure Zif268 induction.