HBAR interferes with adrenergic augmentation of If by voltage steps. A, current traces evoked by step hyperpolarization showing before (left) and after (middle) application of ISO from HBAR-treated cells. Also shown are current traces from a voltage step to −110 mV demonstrating that ISO application did not induce any change in If (right). B, current traces showing that treatment with the control shHBAR peptide maintained adrenergic augmentation of If. C, current traces evoked by voltage ramp from HBAR-treated cells showing the null response to ISO application. D, current traces evoked by voltage ramp from shHBAR-treated cells showing maintained ISO-mediated augmentation. E, pooled data of voltage ramp experiments. HBAR treatment blunted ISO responses. The black box indicates the presence of ISO. F, histogram of normalized I(Δ−40 mV) at t = 60 s from E and Fig. 4F (SAN cells) at the indicated conditions. *, < 0.05. Error bars show S.E.