Figure 1.
Experimental arena and artificial shelter. A, Scheme of the experimental arena used to analyze how insect density and environmental illumination modulate shelter exploitation. The square glass arena with an area of 1 meter2 had its substratum covered with Kraft paper and an artificial shelter placed in the center. B, Scheme of the experimental arena used to evaluate whether Panstrongylus megistus and Triatoma infestans aggregate inside shelters or repel each other. The same experimental arena was used, but two shelters were placed at opposite sides of the arena. C, Artificial shelter used for studies of shelter exploitation by triatomines.33,36 The shelter consisted of a piece of corrugated cardboard (10 × 20 cm) folded in the middle to become a square (10 × 10 cm) with two lateral accesses and an inner cavity that was approximately 0.5 cm high.