Neuronal expression of endogenous Kras G12D induces gliosis. In compound CamKII-Cre; LSL Kras G12D/+ (Kras G12D/+) mice, expression of endogenous Kras G12D was induced in postmitotic neurons since P1. A, expression levels of GFAP were analyzed by Western blot using protein extracts from cortices of 8-week-old control and Kras G12D/+ mice. GFAP levels relative to β-actin levels in Kras G12D/+ cortices were quantified and compared with those in control cortices (n = 4). The average of control is arbitrarily set at 1. Results are presented as average + S.D. Asterisk indicates statistically significant change. B and C, representative images of coronal sections (40 μm thickness, Cryostat) of the cortices stained with GFAP antibodies (red) and DAPI (blue) or (B) GFAP antibodies (green), Ki67 antibodies (red), and DAPI (blue) (C).