Figure 7.
Difference between the electron density profile for the Si-Ni-Si reference structure and peptide/chromophore monolayer (holo form) on the Si-Ni-Si structure shown in Figure 6: (a) [SAP2C/PZnPI on Si-Ni-Si profile] minus [Si-Ni-Si profile] and (b) [SAP2N-PZnPI on Si-Ni-Si profile] minus [Si-Ni-Si profile]. The red open rectangular box (dotted line) indicates the expected position of PZn moiety of the bound PZnPI chromophore. Highly schematic representations of the SAP2C-PZnPI & SAP2N-PZnPI complexes (holo forms) covalently attached to a Si-Ni-Si surface are juxtaposed immediately above the profiles approximately to scale. Expanded scale schematic illustrations of the holo 4-helix SAP2C and SAP2N bundles are also shown above these representations.