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. 2012 Summer;21(3):158–168. doi: 10.1891/1058-1243.21.3.158

TABLE 1. Participant Summary Table.

Participant Number of Births Midwife OB GP Doula Home Birth Hospital Birth
1. Katrina 1 X → X X
2. Marlene 1 X X
3. Thelma 1 X X X
4. Melody 1 X X
5. Selah 2 (twins) X → X X
6. Marcy 3 X → X X X → X
7. Carlaa 2 X X X X
8. Joni 2 X → X X → X
9. Regina 1 X → X X X → X
10. Tessa 1 X → X X
11. Ellab 1 (pregnant) X X
12. Jenna 4 X X
13. Paigeb 1 (pregnant) X X X
14. Shelly 1 X X
15. Lara 3 X
Total 13 8 1 5 5 (actual) 11

Note. An arrow (→) indicates a transfer of care. OB = obstetrician; GP = general practitioner.

aThis participant had more than one child and experienced midwifery care and obstetrician care for subsequent births. bThese two participants were pregnant at the time of the interview and therefore discussed their experiences with planning two births.