Figure 6.
Loss of caspase-2 leads to telomere shortening. Telomere FISH of metaphase spreads from Casp2+/+ and Casp2−/− MEFs (a) or from EμMyc and EμMyc/Casp2−/− lymphoma cells (b) stained with PNA-Cy5 to label telomeres (20 × magnification). Inset images show close up of telomere staining of chromosomes, with arrows indicating loss of telomere staining. Casp2−/− MEFs consistently showed increased aneuploidy so chromosome images are shown at lower magnification. The percentage chromosomes per cell with absent telomeres was quantitated and displayed as mean±S.E.M. from three independent batches of MEFs or from three different lymphoma samples. *P<0.05