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. 2012 Jan 8;14(1):R7. doi: 10.1186/ar3555

Table 2.

Proteins identified in OA synovial fluids in this study and in a previous proteomic study [10]

Protein namea Accession no.b Scorec % Coveraged Number of peptidese
Transferrin P02787 877.49 65 57

α2-Macroglobulin P01023 569.94 34 57

Serum albumin P02768 514.49 60 34

Complement C3 P01024 426.92 27 34

Apolipoprotein A-I P02647 405.32 67 26

α1-Antitrypsin (α1 protease inhibitor) P01009 388.37 66 27

Apolipoprotein A-IV P06727 370.16 60 27

Haptoglobin P00738 331.09 49 22

Hemopexin (β-1B-glycoprotein) P02790 273.36 40 20

Gc-globulin (vitamin D-binding protein precursor) P02774 269.18 43 21

α1B-glycoprotein P04217 215.74 47 16

Complement factor B (C3/C5 convertase) P00751 163.54 20 12

α1-Antichymotrypsin P01011 144.7 27 10

Antithrombin-III P01008 142.4 32 10

Ceruloplasmin (EC (Ferroxidase) P00450 132.65 12 9

Transthyretin P02766 129.52 69 8

Plasma protease C1 inhibitor P05155 111.87 17 8

Ig mu chain C region P01871 98.51 16 7

Actin, cytoplasmic 2 (γ-actin) P63261 89.13 33 8

Fibrinogen β chain P02675 88.28 18 7

α2-HS-glycoprotein P02765 85.26 22 7

Complement factor H (H factor 1) P08603 80.47 8 8

α1-Acid glycoprotein 1 (Orosomucoid-1) P02763 68.98 23 5

Complement C5 P01031 55.88 8 7

Prothrombin (coagulation factor II) P00734 52.57 9 4

Plasma retinol-binding protein P02753 50.79 20 4

Apolipoprotein E P02649 49.32 21 4

Afamin P43652 48.67 7 4

Fibrinogen α chain P02671 48.63 6 4

Gelsolin P06396 47.03 4 3

Complement C4 P01028 39.34 8 6

Vitronectin P04004 38.1 6 3

Apolipoprotein A-II P02652 36.26 22 3

Hemoglobin β subunit (Hemoglobin β chain) P68871 31.88 17 2

β2-Glycoprotein I (apolipoprotein H) P02749 30.33 6 2

Inter-α-trypsin inhibitor heavy chain H4 Q14624 28.43 5 3

Fibronectin P02751 23.84 2 2

Clusterin P10909 21.17 12 2

Complement component C8 γ chain P07360 20.93 10 2

Histidine-rich glycoprotein P04196 20.11 5 2

Fibrinogen γ chain P02679 19.9 7 2

Kininogen-1 P01042 16.02 4 2

Desmoplakin P15924 11.59 1 2

α1-Microglobulin/bikunin precursor protein precursor P02760 11.13 9 2

aShown in bold are the proteins classified as plasma proteins (as assessed by bUniProtKB/Swiss-Prot database. cAn aggregate score of the quality of the peptide spectra obtained, the total number of peptides identified, and percentage coverage of the protein. dThe number of amino acids identified as a percentage of the total number of amino acids in the corresponding protein. eThe number of peptides identified that correspond to the protein indicated.