Immune system |
PCP prophylaxis for initial 6 months after HCT
Immunizations post-transplant according to published guidelines
Administration of antibiotics for endocarditis prophylaxis according to American Heart Association guidelines
Patients with cGVHD: Antimicrobial prophylaxis targeting encapsulated organisms and PCP for the duration of immunosuppressive therapy
Patients with cGVHD: Screening for CMV reactivation should be based on risk factors, including intensity of immunosuppression.
Ocular |
Routine clinical evaluation at 6 months and 1 year after HCT and at least yearly thereafter
Ophthalmologic examination with measurement of visual acuity and fundus examination at 1 year after HCT, subsequent evaluation based on findings and risk-factors
Prompt ophthalmologic examination in patients with visual symptoms
Oral |
Education about preventive oral health practices
Clinical oral assessment at 6 months and 1 year after HCT and at least yearly thereafter with particular attention to intra-oral malignancy evaluation
Dental assessment at 1 year after HCT and then at least yearly thereafter
Respiratory |
Idiopathic pneumonia syndrome
Bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome
Cryptogenic organizing pneumonia
Sino-pulmonary infections
Routine clinical evaluation at 6 months and 1 year after HCT and at least yearly thereafter
Assessment of tobacco use and couselling against smoking
PFT’s and focused radiologic assessment for allogeneic HCT recipients with symptoms or signs of lung compromise
Cardiac and vascular |
Cumulative dose of anthracyclines
Echocardiogram with ventricular function, ECG in patients at risk and in symptomatic patients
Fasting lipid profile (including HDL-C, LDL-C and triglycerides)
Fasting blood sugar
Routine clinical assessment of cardiovascular risk factors as per general health maintenance at 1 year and at least yearly thereafter
Education and counseling on “heart“ healthy lifestyle (regular exercise, healthy weight, no smoking, dietary counseling)
Early treatment of cardiovascular risk factors such as diabetes, hypertension and dyslipidemia
Administration of antibiotics for endocarditis prophylaxis according to American Heart Association guidelines
Liver |
Hepatitis B
Hepatitis C
Iron overload
LFT’s every 3–6 months in the first year, then individualized, but at least yearly thereafter
Monitor viral load by PCR for patients with known hepatitis B or C, with liver and infectious disease specialist consultation
Consider liver biopsy at 8–10 years after HCT to assess cirrhosis in patients with chronic HCV infection
Serum ferritin at 1 year after HCT in patients who have received RBC transfusions; consider liver biopsy or imaging study for abnormal results based on magnitude of elevation and clinical context; subsequent monitoring is suggested for patients with elevated LFT’s, continued RBC transfusions, or presence of HCV infection
Renal and genitourinary |
Chronic kidney disease
Bladder dysfunction
Urinary tract infections
Urine protein
Serum creatinine
Blood pressure assessment at every clinic visit, with aggressive hypertension management
Assess renal function with BUN, creatinine and urine protein at 6 months, 1 year and at least yearly thereafter
Consider further workup (kidney biopsy or renal ultrasound) for for further workup of renal dysfunction as clinically indicated
Muscle and connective tissue |
Patients with cGVHD: Physical therapy consultation in patients with prolonged corticosteroid exposure, fascitis or scleroderma
Patients with cGVHD: Frequent clinical evaluation by manual muscle tests or by assessing ability to go from sitting to standing position for patients on prolonged corticosteroids
Skeletal |
Avascular necrosis
Allogeneic HCT
Dual photon densitometry at 1 year for adult women, all allogeneic HCT recipients and patients who are at high risk for bone loss; subsequent testing determined by defects or to assess response to therapy
Physical activity, vitamin D and calcium supplementation to prevent loss of bone density
Nervous system |
- |
Clinical evaluation for symptoms and signs of neurologic dysfunction at 1 year and yearly thereafter
Diagnostic testing (e.g., radiographs, nerve conduction studies) for those with symptoms or signs
Endocrine |
Growth retardation
Thyroid function testing yearly post-HCT, or if relevant symptoms develop
Clinical and endocrinologic gonadal assessment for post-pubertal women at 1 year, subsequent followup based on menopausal status
Gonadal function in men, including FSH, LH and testosterone, should be assessed as warranted by symptoms
Pediatric recipients: Clinical and endocrinologic gonadal assessment for pre-pubertal boys and girls within 1 year of transplant, with further followup as determined in consultation with a pediatric endocrinologist
Pediatric recipients: Monitor growth velocity in children annually; assessment of thyroid, and growth hormone function if clinically indicated
Patients with cGVHD: Slow terminal tapering of corticosteroids for those with prolonged exposure
Patients with cGVHD: Consider stress doses of corticosteroids during acute illness for patients who have received chronic corticosteroids
Mucocutaneous |
Cutaneous sclerosis
Genital GVHD
Counsel patients to perform routine self exam of skin and avoid excessive exposure to sunlight without adequate protection
Annual gynecologic exam in women to detect early involvement of vaginal mucosa by GVHD
Second cancers |
Solid tumors
Hematologic malignancies
Counsel patients about risks of secondary malignancies annually and encourage them to perform self exam (e.g. skin, testicles/genitalia)
Counsel patients to avoid high risk behaviors (e.g. smoking)
Follow general population recommendations for cancer screening
Patients with cGVHD: Clinical and dental evaluation with particular attention towards oral and pharyngeal cancer
TBI and chest irradiation recipients: Screening mammography in women starting at age 25 or 8 years after radiation exposure, whichever occurs later but no later than age 40
Psychosocial and sexual |
Sexual dysfunction
Psychological evaluation
Clinical assessment throughout recovery period, at 6 months, 1 year and annually thereafter, with mental health professional counseling recommended for those with recognized deficits
Encouragement of robust support networks
Regularly assess level of spousal/caregiver psychological adjustment and family functioning
Query adults about sexual function at 6 months, 1 year and at least annually thereafter
Fertility |
TBI/radiation exposure
Chemotherapy exposure
Consider referral to appropriate specialists for patients who are contemplating a pregnancy or are having difficulty conceiving
Counsel sexually active patients in the reproductive age group about birth control post-HCT
General health |