Figure 2. The α1A and α1B-Subtypes Co-localize to the Nuclei in Adult Cardiac Myocytes.
(A) Upper panel: representative confocal images of α1ABKO cardiac myocytes expressing only the α1B-CFP (upper left) or only α1A-GFP (upper right). Lower panel: representative confocal images of an α1ABKO cardiac myocyte expressing both the α1B-CFP (left) and the α1A-GFP (middle). Co-localization is pseudo-colored magenta (right). (B) Representative confocal images of an α1ABKO cardiac myocyte expressing both the α1B-CFP (upper left) and the α1A-GFP (upper right) and counterstained with 2 µM ER Tracker (lower left) and the overlay image (lower right). Final magnification = 600x (n=6 separate cultures).