Fig 5.
Overexpression of miR-34a does not alter B lymphoma cell growth. (a) qRT-PCR of mature miR-34a expression levels normalized to RNU48 in control plasmid (CTRL) or miR-34a stably transfected LCL EF3D, Akata, BJAB, and HCT-116 cells. Data from one representative transfection are shown. (b) Growth curves of EF3D cells stably transfected with pCDNA3 plasmid (CTRL) or an miR-34a expression plasmid (miR-34a). Data from three independent transfections are plotted as average numbers of viable cells ± SEM/ml as measured by trypan blue exclusion. (c) Growth curves as in panel b for Akata cells. (d) Growth curves as in panel b for BJAB cells. (d) Growth curves as in panel b for HCT-116 cells.