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. 2011 Dec 21;33(1):53–75. doi: 10.1007/s10827-011-0374-4

Table 1.

Summary of performance different phase synchronization indices

  Dependent on number of spikes? Effect of dependence between spike-LFP phases? Effect of dependence between spikecount and phase? Biased by number trials? Relationship with other statistics
Point-field PLV (Inline graphic). +/− +/− +/− As M → ∞, Inline graphic
Point-field PPC Inline graphic 0 +/− +/− +/− As M → ∞, Inline graphic
Point-field PPC Inline graphic 0 0 +/− +/− If spike count and spike-LFP phase are independent, then Inline graphic and Inline graphic
Point-field PPC Inline graphic 0 0 0 0
Spike train to field PLV + +/− 0 As M → ∞, goes to Inline graphic
Uncorrected spike train to field PPC Inline graphic + +/− +/− +/− Approximately a factor of Inline graphic larger than Inline graphic where Inline graphic is the average single-trial resultant length.
Uncorrected spike train to field PPC Inline graphic + +/− 0 0 About a factor of Inline graphic larger than Inline graphic where Inline graphic is the average single-trial resultant length.
Corrected spike train to field PPC Inline graphic 0 0 +/− +/− Only difference to Inline graphic lies in phase-estimation
Corrected spike train to field PPC Inline graphic 0 0 0 0 Only difference to Inline graphic lies in phase-estimation

‘+/−’: means that effect can be positive or negative. ‘0’: means that statistic is not affected