Figure 1. Statistically significant apoptosis induced by treatment with the combination of UVA exposure and resveratrol in HaCaT cells.
Results of the Annexin V and PI assay as the means of three independent experiments. Percentage of A) cell viability B) apoptosis and C) necrosis are shown. Asterisks (**p<0.01; *p<0.05) indicate that HaCaT cells incubated with resveratrol and then exposed to UVA have shown a significant decrease in cellular viability and an increase in overall apoptosis compared to their controls (0 Control and UVA+EtOH). D) Flow cytometry data showing examples of one of the three apoptosis experiments where the lower left quadrant always shows viable cells, the lower right and upper right quadrants shows cells undergoing apoptosis, the upper left quadrant shows necrotic cells.