Figure 3. p21 loss following Apc deletion leads to rapid onset of renal tumourigenesis.
A. Kaplan–Meier survival graph showing a dramatic acceleration of renal tumourigenesis in AhCre+ Apcfl/fl p21−/− mice (Apc p21−/−, n = 31, median lifespan 63 days, blue line) compared with AhCre+ Apc+/+ (Wt n = 20, <400 days) and AhCre+ Apcfl/fl mice (Apc, n = 23, red line, Log rank v Apcfl/fl p21−/−, p < 0.001). Note there was a marked acceleration of tumourigenesis in AhCre+ Apcfl/fl p21+/− mice (Apc p21+/− median lifespan 117 days, n = 17, green line, Log rank v Apcfl/fl p < 0.001).
B. H&E of a renal tumour in AhCre+ Apcfl/fl p21−/− mice.
C–E. Staining shows absence of senescent markers SA β-gal (C), p16 (D) and p21 (E) in AhCre+ Apcfl/fl p21−/− renal tumours. Note there is a small amount non-specific brown staining in the p21 knockout tumours when p21 IHC is performed (black arrow), however all nuclei are blue showing a complete loss of p21 within the tumours (red arrow).
F. β-catenin IHC showing continued Wnt signalling activation in AhCre+ Apcfl/fl p21−/− deficient renal tumours.
G and H Ki67 IHC (G) and MCM2 IHC (H) showing a marked increase in proliferation in AhCre+ Apcfl/fl p21−/− deficient tumours. Scale bars represent 200 µm.