Fig. 5.
Topological analysis of the virus-host interactomes. A, Metrics of the human proteins and of the human proteins targeted by viruses in the human interactome. The number of nodes and edges, the mean degree, the mean adjusted betweenness and the characteristic path length are given first for all the human proteins, then for the human proteins targeted by DENV, EBV, FLUAV, HCV, and VACV. B, Degree distributions of human proteins and human proteins targeted by viruses in the human interactome. P(k) is the probability of a node to connect k other nodes in the network. Solid lines represent linear regression fits. Vertical dashed lines indicate the mean degree of each distribution. C, Betweenness distributions of human proteins and human proteins targeted by viruses in the human interactome. P(b) is the probability for a node to have a betweenness value of b in the network. Solid lines represent linear regression fits. Vertical dashed lines indicate the mean betweenness value for each distribution.