Univariate (Table 4A) and mutivariate (Tables 4B and C) association between BALF biomarker transformation and FEV1. The current measure for each biomarker refers to the closest biomarker measure at each given FEV1 measure. The AUC running tracks the accumulated AUC for each biomarker up until an FEV1 measure. The sum reflects the accumulated sum of a biomarker up until each FEV1 measure. For discrete measures (e.g. current measure), the parameter estimate reflects the change in FEV1 in mL for a 10-point change in that measure. For AUC, the parameter estimate reflects the change in FEV1 for 1000 change in AUC. Shown are unadjusted models and models for running CXCL9 and CXCL10 AUC controlling for the last measured CXCL9 or CXCL10. Table 4(A) shows the unadjusted univariate effects on FEV1