Figure 6. Absence of scaling for an evolved model with distributed temperature compensation.
(A) Sketch of the model. Parameters and equations are given in Supplementary Text S1 (B) Variation of the period as a function of input. (C) limit cycle for different values of the input in space. Limit cycle varies over one order of magnitude in variable 1 and 2 while the period changes at most
(D) Rescaling of those limit cycle to the unit interval for each variable. The orbits for different inputs no longer scale. Circles mark the fixed point (E)The PRC for different input values do not scale. The PRC was computed by adding a degradation term of
for variable 2 for
of the period. (F) Variable
as a function of phase for the limit cycles at different temperature. Its rescaled maximum of 1 is defined as phase
for the PRC.