When were you first tested for HIV?
Describe what it was like when you found out you were pregnant.
Describe how you felt to be HIV-infected and pregnant.
Describe the reaction of the baby’s father, other family members, friends.
Whom did you disclose your status to? Why that person?
Describe the reaction of those you disclosed to.
Psychosocial Supports
Describe the social supports you receive.
Describe the support you receive from the baby’s father (financial, emotional, care of the baby)
Talk about the people who encourage you to take care of yourself.
Talk about the people who encourage you to take your medicines.
Talk about the people you can talk to when you feel sad.
Talk about the people who can help you take care of your children.
Talk about any community organizations, including religious organizations that provide you with community support.
Community Stigma
What do people in your community think about HIV-infected women?
What do people in your community think about HIV-infected men?
What do people in your community think about HIV-infected children?
How do you make decisions regarding health-related issues for yourself and your baby?
Who is involved in the decision-making process?
What happens if there is a disagreement about what should be done? Who makes the final decisions?
Talk about what you know about how babies become infected.
Do you know anyone with an HIV-infected child?
Are there ways to prevent transmission of HIV to babies? Discuss them.
How well do these methods work?
Describe what you know about HIV-testing for babies
If a baby has a negative HIV test at 6 weeks, can they still get infected? How?
Talk about what you know about treatment for HIV for babies and children.
Challenges Mothers Face
What makes it difficult for mothers to bring their babies in for testing?
What would help mothers bring their babies in for testing and/or treatment?
Why might some mothers not want their babies to be tested?