Fig. 4.
Effect of natamycin on uptake of arginine, proline, and glucose by A. niger conidia. Conidia were incubated for either 5 min or 5 h with 0 or 10 μM natamycin, after which the uptake of 14C-arginine, 14C-proline, or 14C-glucose was assayed. The uptake of the different compounds by conidia incubated for 0 or 10 min at 30 °C without antibiotic is normalized to 100% and compared with the effect of natamycin on substrate uptake. Negative uptake values occur because a smaller amount of compound was taken up by the spores after incubation with natamycin in comparison to the fast uptake in the absence of the inhibitor. Additional details are provided in Experimental Methods. The results shown are the averages of two separately performed experiments with the spread of the data.