Figure 4.
Impact of receiver bandwidth (BW) and echo time (TE) on PC-MRI flow measurements. (a) Constant laminar flow computer simulations (dots) and in vitro (bars) 3T results show nearly identical chemical shift effects (“Truth”=48mL). Computer simulations of constant laminar flow (b,d) and tri-phasic flow (c,e) at 3T and 1.5T demonstrate that the use of HBW-TEIN is closest to the known flow of 48mL and has the least chemical shift induced PC-MRI errors. Other BW and TE combinations at 3T (1.5T) can lead to as much as a 12% (3%) underestimate (LBW-TE−π/2) or a 12% (4%) overestimate (LBW-TE+π/2) for tri-phasic flow.