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. 2011 Sep 16;8(4):643–653. doi: 10.1007/s11306-011-0357-5

Table 2.

Median, minimum, maximum, and the 95% CI of the median for amino acids in colon cancer patients and controls

Colon cancer patients (n = 59) [μmol/l]a Controls (n = 58) [μmol/l]a
Median Range Median CI 95% Median Range Median CI 95%
Minimum Maximum Low High Minimum Maximum Low High

Glutamine (Gln)

(CID 5961)

0.72 0.27 1.62 0.72 0.72 0.69 0.42 1.86 0.69 0.69

Lysine (Lys)*

(CID 5962)

232.41 136.62 481.02 231.6 233.25 278.52 133.56 133.56 277.56 279.48

Hydroxyproline (OH-Prol)

(CID 5810)

365.85 222.81 731.04 364.95 366.78 405.99 232.65 954.00 405.15 406.8

Pipecolic acid (PiPA)

(CID 849)

94.32 64.62 228.27 228.27 94.53 99.78 61.59 178.02 99.54 100.05

Abscisic acid (Aba)

(CID 5280896)

6.90 2.25 21.24 6.87 6.93 7.20 3.09 14.67 7.17 7.23

Alaninea (Ala)**

(CID 5950)

238.95 124.08 408.24 238.32 239.55 282.66 174.18 453.96 281.67 283.62

Argininea (Arg)

(CID 6322)

71.52 38.79 129.27 71.34 71.70 77.58 36.45 139.08 77.43 77.76

Aspartic acida (Asp)*

(CID 5960)

328.26 89.07 1821.69 324.3 332.22 538.74 75.75 1300.23 534.75 542.76

Carnosin (Carn)

(CID 439224)

1.29 0.03 3.72 1.29 1.29 1.17 0.30 3.06 1.14 1.17

Citrullinea (Cit)

(CID 9750)

22.77 10.80 51.75 22.68 22.83 25.44 12.54 40.47 25.38 25.50

Glutamic acida (Glu)

(CID 33032)

129.99 86.82 187.38 129.75 130.23 127.32 77.25 207.66 126.99 127.65

Glycinea (Gly)***

(CID 750)

151.35 87.51 269.13 151.08 151.62 180.96 107.64 359.16 180.06 181.89

Histidine (His)***

(CID 6274)

79.80 39.30 221.19 79.62 80.01 96.15 62.01 200.91 95.91 96.39

Leucinea/Isoleucine (Leu/Ile)**

(CID 6106/CID 6306)

114.18 68.67 232.47 113.82 114.54 139.74 75.96 272.31 139.41 140.1

Methyl-Histidine (MeHis)

(CID 64969)

9.03 3.66 49.77 8.97 9.09 8.94 3.57 22.92 8.91 9.00

Methioninea (Met)*

(CID 6137)

14.58 2.97 78.60 14.55 14.64 16.92 9.87 35.28 16.86 16.98

Ornithinea (Orn)

(CID 6262)

53.43 31.83 88.08 53.34 53.55 55.65 26.49 108.36 55.53 55.77

Phenylalaninea (Phe)

(CID 994)

58.65 37.14 111.57 58.50 58.83 61.23 37.38 132.78 61.08 61.38

Proline (Pro)

(CID 8988)

186.15 98.13 408.87 185.52 186.78 178.92 112.38 520.41 178.35 179.52

Sarcosine (Sarc)*

(CID 1088)

85.20 55.44 178.29 84.99 85.38 99.90 51.09 215.07 99.51 100.32

Serine (Ser)

(CID 5951)

96.90 50.67 163.29 96.69 97.14 92.79 54.63 205.92 92.55 93.03

Taurine (Tau)

(CID 1123)

2.46 1.23 5.19 2.46 2.49 2.31 0.90 5.43 2.28 2.31

Threonine (Thr)**

(CID 6288)

11.73 6.09 22.68 11.7 11.76 14.01 7.35 25.65 13.98 14.04

Tryptophan (Trp)

(CID 6305)

7.65 3.57 21.21 7.62 7.65 7.68 3.09 17.28 7.65 7.68

Tyrosinea (Tyr)*

(CID 6057)

46.08 27.27 69.96 45.96 46.23 50.52 32.64 92.79 50.40 50.64

Valinea (Val)*

(CID 6287)

231.99 132.99 364.50 231.51 232.50 260.49 158.49 401.97 260.07 260.94

Significance of group differences is given by * for P < 0.05, ** for P < 0.01 and *** for P < 0.001 (Wilcoxon-test); Italics show significant deviation from normal distribution (Anderson–Darling-test, computed on the original data). Median, minimum, maximum, and the 95% CI of the median are computed on the bootstrapped data (B = 999). Concentrations are μmol/l for amino acids quantified via internal standard (marked by a) and relative for all others (cf. Brauer et al. 2011). Metabolites are identified by their PubChem Compound ID (CID)