Principal Components and STRUCTURE-like Analyses of the Full African Data Set
The first three PCs are represented in bidimensional plots (first versus second in A and first versus third in B). The samples genotyped in this study are represented in yellow (Semitic), orange (Cushitic), red (Omotic), or blue (Nilotic); the rest of the African samples are shown with the use of a gray scale. The proportion of explained variance is reported next to each axis.
(C) displays the best fit (K = 7) ADMIXTURE result, including all the African samples and with the addition of French as a non-African population. The colors in (C) do not match those in (A) and (B).
(D) shows the sampling locations in Ethiopia. Each population is colored according to the linguistic family to which it belongs.
(E) Correlation between the proportion of “non-African” admixture (x axis, blue component from C) and the first three PCs for the Semitic, Cushitic, Omotic, and Egyptian samples.
(F) Correlation between the proportion of Nigerian-Congolese admixture (x axis, red component from C) and the first three PCs for the Anuak, Gumuz, and South Sudanese samples.