Figure 4.
Glucose withdrawal induces rapid amplification of ROS in glucose withdrawal-sensitive cells. Cells were starved of glucose and pyruvate for 0 or 3 h, stained with either the oxidation-sensitive fluorogen DCF-DA or mitoSOX, and analyzed by flow cytometry. (A, B) LN18 but not LN229 cells demonstrated increased DCF-DA fluorescence 3 h following glucose and pyruvate starvation. (C) Quantification of the fold change in DCF-DA signal (3 h:0 h) revealed that the glucose withdrawal-sensitive cell lines (LN18, T98, and U87) but not glucose withdrawal-insensitive cell lines (LN229 and M229) demonstrated increased ROS levels following glucose and pyruvate withdrawal. Histograms for all cell lines are shown in Supplementary Figure S7. (D, E) LN18 but not LN229 cells demonstrated increased mitochondrial superoxide production 3 h after glucose and pyruvate starvation. (F) Quantification of the fold change in mean mitoSOX signal (3 h:0 h) demonstrated that glucose withdrawal-sensitive cell lines (LN18, T98, and U87) but not glucose withdrawal-insensitive cell lines (LN229 and M229) demonstrated increased levels of mitochondrial ROS following glucose and pyruvate withdrawal. Histograms for all cell lines are shown in Supplementary Figure S7.